Q: We had worked out a shared custody situation for 2 years (no court or
lawyers). Dad passed out on street while with 8 year old. I went to
court for custody and to limit his visitation. I got temporary custody
and agency supervised visits. Dad has not gone to suggested program but
is paying for supervised visits. I don't think much has changed. How
likely is it that he will get overnights reinstated?
A: David's Answer: If by "passed out on the street"
you mean because of alcohol or drugs, and by "suggested program" you
mean a drug or alcohol rehab program, then I see it as very unlikely
he'll get unsupervised visits. Most likely, the Judge will say that if
he hasn't remedied his problem, he can't get restoration of unsupervised
visits. -- David Bliven, Bronx Child Custody attorney (www.blivenlaw.net)
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