Q: My girlfriend is about to continue her education by going back to college and would like for our daughter to stay with me as to have residential/temporary custody without going through court decissions which we both are strongly against due to religious belief. This is not intended for legal purposes, its just for housing to have proof of authorization from her so she can be added as a tenant on my lease. We have no intentions of splitting up but if came to pass would still have a family based relationship for the sake of our child. I was told a temporary guardianship form would do it, Im not quite sure, I just needed the name of a form specifically necessary to make this process less of a mental journey. Thank you.
A: David's Answer: There is no "form" to fill out if you don't wish to go to court. You may have the mother sign a notarized letter giving you temporary custody, but whether such entities as insurance companies, doctors, schools or government agencies recognize that is a substantial question. For this reason, it behooves you to schedule a consultation with a NYC Child Custody lawyer. -- David Bliven, Bronx Child Custody attorney (www.blivenlaw.net)
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