Friday, June 27, 2014

Hi! I filed a petition for full custody for my 2 kids. I am still currently married to their dad. I have a hearing on the 27th

Q:  He just went & filed for joint custody.(I just got served on Saturday) Hearing is on the same day. He claims he has no job & hes on disability. Was in court on Friday he was ordered to pay $25 monthly.( for 2 kids).which i heard he has gone back 2 work.we are due back in court on 7-11-14. (1)-Question is if he has no job & no stable home would he be granted joint custody? He's had 4 different homes(living with other people) since December. (2)When we go back to court in July will it count since he went back to work? Or the date of July?

A:  David's Answer:  Joint custody more relates to decision-making - as such whether he has a stable job or home doesn't impact that issue as much as how amicable the two of you have been (at least when it comes to the kids). As for your other question, I'm unsure of what "it" is in the clause "will it count." Call a NYC Child Custody lawyer to schedule a consult.  -- David Bliven, Bronx Child Custody attorney (

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