Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Can you get custody of your child if he does'nt live with the mother, your paying child support & child is failing school?

Q:  Can you get custody of your child if he does'nt live with the mother, your paying child support & child is failing school?

A:  David's Answer:  To answer your question definitively, one would need to know many more facts. For instance, if you are the father & the child doesn't live with the mother, with whom does the child live? How long has this living situation persisted? How old is the child? Do you have adequate accommodations for the child? Would the move to you home create great disruption in the child's life? Was there a prior custody order? What is your level of involvement with the child? You're best advised to schedule a consult with a NYC Child Custody attorney for a full assessment.   -- David Bliven, Bronx Child Custody attorney (

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