Tuesday, June 4, 2013

If the father of my children moved to a diff state, are they legally supposed to go visit him?

Q:  We have court papers stating he is both of my childrens father and even visitation from when they were born. He moved away about 3 years ago and now wants them to visit him, are they mandated to have to visit him and will a judge grant him that right? I dont want my children going to a different state they arent familiar with. He chose to move so he should come and visit them here where they reside.

A:  David's Answer:  This really depends largely on the distance. If we're talking a move to eastern New jersey or southwestern Connecticut, then a Court would likely say he still gets the same visits as on the order (so long as he's willing to do pick-up/drop-off). If it's much further than that, then either of you can & should file a petition for modification of the visitation. That said, I encourage you to schedule a consultation with a Bronx child Custody attorney for a full assessment.  -- David Bliven, Bronx Child Custody lawyer  (www.blivenlaw.net)

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